Memory of poet

When he stopped writing
He had a scribe
He would dictate and she will write it down
Meticulous in his spelling
Stress on phonetics
And dots and hyphens.
Over the period,
Everyone lost track of his writings
It was not the same
But he continued.

Every book he received
He would respond
A postcard acknowledging and
Another with all his observations
Sometimes very caustic,
At times applauding the writer
For the imagery and content

Much before the onslaught of harsher world
as an adolescent I walk into him
He takes me under his wings
Initiates me into the art of letters
Aesthetics and equality

As a disciple, I would fight with him
For his comments and the undue praise
He would explain
I would continue my argument and he would clarify

Another day another commentary
Another book another discussion
Being first reader of his writings
I would suggest change of diction
And demand modernizing his vocabulary
I argue that some of the words are so archaic
Could I find alternates?

I would go to post office
Collect his post and discuss
The letters received
He would read his replies to me
No privacy issues.

Years later I write poems intermittently
I do search for my favorite words,
Imagery, content and style
It is pastime not a living
But a necessary living.

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